Unlock Decision Intelligence With Snowflake + Pigment

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Access, modify, and unlock insights from your data, all in one place. Pigment offers a native integration with Snowflake for next-level decision intelligence.

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Priyaanka Arora
June 3, 2022

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Unlock Decision Intelligence With Snowflake + Pigment


Snowflake’s cloud data platform is a powerful data repository for flexible, secure, and high-performance data manipulation. The platform’s ease of use combined with its scalability allows you to get creative with the usage and distribution of data.

One of the main advantages of data wealth is the upper hand gained from making decisions on that data. Actionable insights can inform current and future decisions based on historical trends. Either way, you often only get one shot to make the right decision.

That’s why it’s so important to feed your data warehouse into your business planning platform. Pigment’s integration with Snowflake affords you to do just that - and more.

By connecting Snowflake with Pigment, you’re now able to build a decision intelligence framework to steer your company towards a successful and sustainable future. But what does that mean for you?

What is decision intelligence?

Decision intelligence is a framework that combines traditional decision-making philosophies with the best technology and tools. With a decision intelligence framework, you use every advantage you have to make the right decision almost 100% of the time.

Definitions of the “right decision” will vary, but you want to enable or make decisions that help meet business goals, drive employee productivity and happiness, and sustain your momentum long term.

How important is it? Gartner declared decision intelligence as one of the top ten strategic tech trends of 2022. And that’s no surprise, given the immediate benefits of the framework:

What are the benefits of decision intelligence?

The most obvious benefit of decision intelligence is the superpower to make better decisions. But there are other, less obvious benefits to implementing a decision intelligence framework:

  • Continuous learning: you build a feedback loop of data that gets stronger with time
  • More predictable outcomes: stability is much sought after, and decision intelligence is one way to get there since decisions are based in solid logic
  • Less decisions made in silos: involve cross-functional stakeholders in decisions for more robust perspectives
  • Repeatable success: data-driven decisions lead to successful outcomes that can be replicated again and again
  • A culture of openness and trust: transparent decision-making builds a culture of trust across the entire organization

What are decision intelligence tools + an example

Decision intelligence tools can range from AI tools to business planning software to even a standing review meeting. Ideally, a decision intelligence tool facilitates stakeholders to make better decisions that are scalable and replicable.

Take an example: how can hiring managers recruit and retain the best talent in the market? With decision intelligence, the manager would have easy access to clearly defined business goals, current performance on those goals, future targets, and headcount budget information.

This 360-view of the reasons behind a business requirement allows the hiring manager to quickly identify the best candidate to fulfill the future vision for the business. The tools required in this scenario are, at minimum, a business planning platform, a data warehouse, a CRM, and an ATS.

In the context of this example, all of those systems can be considered decision intelligence tools.

How do you unlock decision intelligence for your organization?

A good place to start is by introducing two basic components of decision intelligence that are important for a strong foundation:

  • Business planning
  • Data repository

It’s straightforward: set up your business planning software to act as the home base for all your decision-making. This includes forecasts, modeling, data analysis, and reporting. Once that’s set up, you have the perfect system to feed in your data from your data repository.

With Pigment’s native Snowflake integration, you can connect your data warehouse directly to your business planning platform for instantaneous access to all your data. Pigment’s stringent security features ensure superior access control so the right people see the right data.

With this setup, analysts can now import data into Pigment from Snowflake to feed their models through SQL queries. Once the right permissions are configured, key stakeholders can make decisions based on crucial data, while restricted or irrelevant data stays out of sight.

Learn more about how to connect Pigment with Snowflake for all your analytics needs.

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