Product updates: January

Pigment news

Catch up with what’s new in Pigment this month.

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George Hood
January 26, 2024

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Product updates: January


We're constantly working to improve Pigment. In this post, we'll explore some of the updates we shipped in January. If you'd like to learn more about anything you read in here, visit the Pigment Community.

Copy inputs from one scenario to another

In addition to carrying out “What-if” planning to compare results, you can now copy overrides, manual inputs, and imported data from one Scenario and push them to a different, target Scenario. This gives you the flexibility to adjust data and to reflect your current planning needs, without needing to invest time creating additional Scenarios.


Homepages allow each role to have a designed Board for when they sign into an Application. The new homepage will appear at the top of the sidebar so users can easily return whenever they want!

New formatting options

The new format panel and options allow you to format just headers!  You can also switch between the entire row/column or just cells, and set up auto-formatting for new items in a selected group.

Dynamic variables

New Dynamic Variables can set formula-driven page selections, such as Current Month, that can easily be updated across multiple applications. They can also be used in Calculated items.

Static performance insights

Security admins can now click "Display" in the block explorer to see size and density options of your metrics in order to easily identify which metrics could be causing performance issues.

Better context in Boards with Dimensioned text widgets

Take notes, write summaries, or provide additional details with the new Dimensioned text widget. This new widget is based on a text Metric that adapts based on your Board's page selections. Once added to a Board, they can be edited directly from the Board.

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