SWTCH Online: Coming 23rd April

FP&A Week

Join us in April for three days of predictions, insights, and advice from leaders in finance, sales, HR, supply chain and more.

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SWTCH Online: Coming 23rd April


Introducting SWTCH Online

From 23-25th April, Pigment will be hosting industry leaders from across the world of business planning: finance, sales and RevOps, supply chain, and more.

Here's what you can expect:

Day 1 - 23rd April

  • Pigment AI: The Future of Business Planning
    Ben Previeux, Head of Product Strategy and Ellen Humphreys, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Pigment.
  • The Path to EPM Transformation Success
    Martin Overton, EMEA Solutions Consulting Lead, and Jay Pier, Head of Strategy, Pigment.
  • Unlocking the Future at Scale with NVIDIA
    Shanker Trivedi, Senior Vice President, Enterprise Business, NVIDIA, and Eléonore Crespo, co-CEO, Pigment

Day 2 - 24th April

  • Plan like a CxO
    Ron Gill, Operating Partner, Lead Edge Capital, Rob Bernshteyn, General Partner, ICONIQ Growth, and Jay Pier, Head of Strategy, Pigment
  • Supercharge your Team with Workforce Planning
    Seth Benkov, VP FP&A, Spring Health, and Liz Schaffer, Customer Success Manager, Pigment
  • Making Workforce Planning Strategic
    Martin Overton, EMEA Solutions Consulting Lead, and Steve Taylor, US Solutions Consultant, Pigment

Day 3 - 25th April

  • How to Set Up World-Class SPM Operations
    Zane Olfert, Strategic Finance Manager, ClickUp, Michael Duncan, Director of Revenue Operations, Gong, and Greg Stimpson, Customer Success Manager, Pigment
  • Sales, Finance, and RevOps: The Power Trio
    Latane Conant, Chief Revenue Officer, 6sense, Shane Evans, Chief Revenue Officer, Gong, and Sean Brophy, Head of Sales, Pigment
  • Building the Supply Chain Interlock
    Maru Vasquez, Supply Chain Manager, CELINE, and Névine Ismael, Senior Product Marketing Manager, Pigment

What happened to FP&A Week?

FP&A week is now SWTCH Online. We made the switch because we don't just want to talk about FP&A any more - according to Gartner, by 2025, more than 60% of planning solution initiatives will be driven by xP&A requirements. Of course, finance and FP&A are still big topics we want to cover, but SWTCH Online is an umbrella under which supply chain, SPM, workforce planning, and more can all sit under.

How do I sign up?

Great question. Follow this link to sign up - we'll drop calendar invites into your diary and send you reminders ahead of time.

Will the sessions be available on-demand?

Just like previous editions of FP&A Week, SWTCH Online sessions will be available to both attendees and non-attendees at the end of the week.

If you'd like to view FP&A Week sessions on demand, click here.

SWTCH Online: access all sessions on-demand

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